I feel like this post should be called my tips and tricks for keeping my house not clean-ha! It’s a labor of love for me to try and keep our house tidy. And one that I really do for my husband and kids. I know that “crazy at home” can add a lot of stress to their lives outside the home. For me it’s something that I had to
Shirt: Evereve, Jeans: AE, Shoes: Gucci, Belt: Gucci, Purse: Louis Vuitton, Sunglasses: Karen Walker, Necklace: Madewell My husband and I have turned our travels into opportunities to run marathons. My father is a dedicated runner and started traveling all over world to do marathons. Ryan, my husband, and I thought
content/uploads/2019/09/untitled-00002-1024×683.jpg” alt=”” width=”940″ height=”627″ /> I wanted to share my article from Area Woman with Dahlia from this month. You can see the online version of the magazine here or read it down below. This year back to school has a whole new meaning to me. I have a little one starting Kindergarten! One of us is really excited for the school year to start. The other
A little less than a month ago my husband, Dad, and I ran the Big Sur Marathon. To say that we had a blast would be an understatement! The scenery in Monterey Bay is unbelievable. It almost reminds me of Maine or the East Coast. That may be because those places just remind me of harbors but it wasn’t the scenery I was remembering. When I was in high
photos by anna ligocki When I started Pink and Navy Stripes back in 2012 I did not know where it would take me, how it would evolve over time, and how much joy it would bring me. I wish I still had a picture of what it looked like when I first started! Two and a half years ago I left my full time job to stay and
Photos by Anna Ligocki Happy Friday!! I wanted to take a little time off after baby was born, so it may seem like I’ve waited awhile to post anything on Pink and Navy Stripes. I have been so enjoying my baby snuggles that I don’t want to miss this phase. The newborn period is so short! Josephine Randal Truax was born on April 3rd. She shares a birthday
Happy Wednesday! This week has been filled with fun for my girls and me. This ends up being my husband’s busy season for work so the girls and I were able to sneak in a last minute trip to see my parents. Truth be told, my husband and father planned the trip and I just found out late last week. It has been such a fun treat for me!
I am so in love with the pattern of this DockATot! We have a chevron one for Penelope. I cannot wait for the baby to get some use of out this one. This rug is one of my absolute favorites! It is so insanely soft and can be machine washed. I’m thinking I may need to get one for my older girls’ rooms as well!
Happy Friday! Today I wanted to share my pregnancy workout routine with you! I have always taken working out and eating healthy very seriously during my pregnancy. I always track my weight gain daily in an effort to stay on track to not gain more than I need to. This may sound excessive, but I have always been concerned about having big babies. Plus, if I can
Happy Friday! This week has been ‘adventures in potty training’, late nights, and nesting in full swing. We got home from our vacation on Monday and hit the ground running. My sweet little girls got me up early Monday morning and were ready to party. Ha! I was so happy to see them but man that was an early wake up call. While we were on