Shirt: Madewell (you can monogram it, this one is amazing and under $20), Shirt: Target ($10), Leggings: Spanx, Necklace: Tiffany, Sunglasses: Quay, Boots: Hunter, Bracelet: BaubleBar, David Yurman, Louis Vuitton,
Happy Friday! I am still pregnant and past due. Ha! Making it to church Easter morning seems like it will be a bonus if I don’t have the baby yet. This outfit is one of my favorites because it’s just a whole bunch of basics thrown together with a fun pop of color! I think red Hunter boots are a great wardrobe staple. They are so classic and yet add such a fun pop to any look. I have matching ones with my daughter but I can only find one boot! We would love to get some pictures of the three of us in boots but I can only find one each of their’s. I seriously don’t know how that happened. Hunter is coming out with a line for Target soon. I cannot wait to see what styles they have!
I have to admit it is nice to be due around a time with a lot going on to distract me. We have plans today with friends and are going to dye some Easter eggs again with cousins. I hope my girls are interested a little bit longer than last week when we dyed eggs. Then church and brunch on Sunday. I had to explain to my older daughter that all our plans could get cancelled if I go into labor. She told me that was find because she is so excited for the baby to come. I’m glad to know she is excited for her baby sister.
So besides hanging out with my girls this weekend I’ll be eating spicy foods, walking my heart out and trying to get this sweet little girl to her appearance soon! Happy Easter!
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