Shirt: Lush, Jeans: Tory Burch, Boots: Splendid, Stoller: nuna ‘TAVO™’ Stroller, Hat: Leith, Ring: David Yurman, Bracelet: David Yurman, Watch: Jord
On Dahlia: Coat: Gap (sold out, similar pattern here), Jeans: Gap (my favorite kids jeans), Shoes: Toms (her glitter shoes)
We got a new ride in the Truax house! We got a nuna ‘TAVO™’ Stroller. I really like that you can use it from newborn to toddler. Last week, we took it out for a girls’ night. Dahlia my older daughter walked and Penelope rode in the stroller. It fits through door ways very easily. The stroller has a big pouch that was great for carrying needed items. It always amazes me how two little people can require so much stuff. The canopy on the stroller was perfect for keeping the Penelope in the shade. I like to keep them out of the sun as much as I can. The adjustable handlebar is very handy, depending on your shoes or your height you can have it at the right setting. Being able to load it in my car without my husband’s help was also a convenient. It folds up so slick! Don’t forget to check out this post from Saturday!
[thefeedproducts style=’four’]
Just love the title of your blog. I love stripes of any kind.
You look very chic in all black and I love your hat.
Ashleigh x
Love these photos- how precious! Your outfit is super chic too! An all dark look with a pop of lighter color on your feet & the hat to top it off- perfection!
Your such a stylish mama! we love it!
love from San Francisco,
This stroller looks so nice. Sturdy and comfy. I love the hat you are wearing. Looks great
Thank you Linda!
Beautiful photos, love the outfit!
Thank you!
I love your outfit, especially the floppy hat 😍
Leith Floppy Felt Hat is so lovely! It’s definitely a must-have this FALL.
You look like the chicest mama ever pushing that stroller!!
xx Leah /
Aw, how lovely! I love your floppy hat, though I can’t ever pull it off, haha
May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin’
You look fabulous! Loving the black and brown combo!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
I love your outfit, those booties are so cute! This stroller definitely seems compact and handy. Great post!
xo Kiki
Such sweet photos! You look beautiful!
Wishes & Reality
Loving your entire look! That tunic is so cute and love the hat and booties! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
The stroller looks great and I love your outfit. Esp. the hat and booties!
What a chic stroller! I love that it’s one of the only ones I’ve seen guaranteed NOT to clash with your outfit (blogger dreams!).
Ashley || Sed Bona
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