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Inspiration, Lifestyle

Dropcam Homecoming Videos…

December 5, 2013

Dahlia’s first Dropcam picture One of the products my husband and I enjoy the most is our Dropcam.  We use it as a baby monitor, and a security camera when we are away from our home. You able to record and send videos as well. My dad often sends us videos

Giveaways, Goals, Inspiration

YouAnew Giveaway

November 25, 2013

Today is my first giveaway on Pink and Navy Stripes! I am so excited to collaborate with YouAnew.  Kristen Bentson has this amazing Holiday Workshop to get us all through the unhealthy eating that can take place this time of year. Her recipes are amazing, my favorite so far is the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.  Her podcasts are very helpful as well.  They’re great to listen to while you work out.