Shirt: Madewell, Leggings: Zella, Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Sunglasses: Prada, Ring: David Yurman, Purse: Chanel (similar quilted bag)
This week has been so busy unpacking and yet I feel like we’ve got nothing done! We’ll just keep plugging away at it until we’re settled I guess! Anyone have any tips on moving in? This top is so easy to dress up or down. I LOVE this top. I’m excited that it looks so cute with over the knee boots. These leggings are such a wardrobe staple, they’re great to pack on trips since you can dress them up or down. I hope you all have a great week!
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Shopbop– Has a great sale on Free People and well as this amazing top!
PS… If you’re looking for a good gift these are perfect!
Wow cool and chic at the same time. Love the top and the booties. Wish I had some tips on moving in. It’s always a lot of work. Wish you guys good luck 🙂
I really like the print on this top, and I am drooling over your fabulous boots! Good luck moving in!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I love this look. I would love to have this top. I like loose fitting tops because they are more comfy for me. I am not into tight and clingy. Thank you for sharing this
I love that print and those boots are so great!
Such a great classic look Lindsay! Those boots pair perfectly with the printed top!
Clothes & Quotes
Loving the pattern of that top, so cute!
Love the print on the top 🙂
Love your Stuart Weitzman boots and the fabulous purple wall!
Those boots :O! I’ve never seen the leather version of the Stuart Weitzman boots. So gorgeous Lindsay! What a super fabulous and super chic look!
Adore this look! You can never go wrong with black & white! Just saw this top at Madewell today too- great choice!!
Blame It On Barneys
Love the blouse, and the boots! Thanks for sharing!