photos by meghan doll
This year was an interesting year. I had planned on sharing with you all about the Parade of Home cover and some behind the scenes photos back in February/March, but things worked out differently than I expected. Penelope went into the hospital on February 17th and Parade of Homes started on the 20th and ended on March 20th. Penelope came home from the hospital on the 28th. So my plans for this all went out the window; but with the Artisan Home Tour starting Friday, I figured now was the perfect time!
During Thanksgiving weekend we got a call from the realtor that works for our builder. He asked us if we would be interested in doing anything with the Parade of Homes. He wanted to submit our family to be in the magazine. I thought it sounded like a really fun idea. He said that we would likely have someone come over and take pictures inside or in front of our home. We didn’t hear back for awhile so I figured maybe it wasn’t something that was going to happen. Then, out of the blue I got an e-mail from someone on the Parade team. They said they were interested in featuring our family on the cover. She said they were going to have two Twin Cities bloggers be on the two magazines. We found out that we would be shooting the cover in two weeks with Meghan Doll photography. Meghan is someone who has taken some newborn photos for some friends of mine. I have always loved her style, so I was super excited to have her take the photos.
We worked really hard over the next two weeks trying to get everything ready. It’s so nerve racking having someone come into your home to take photos. For me, picking out our outfits was the easy part. Since we didn’t know 100% where they were going to take the photos I had to get the whole house ready. Okay, I felt pretty confident they weren’t going to pick the basement, so I guess it wasn’t the whole house, but you get the point!
Picture day arrived and I felt like we were scrambling all over the house. Then when the team arrived for the photos, things calmed down. I didn’t feel any pressure from them at all. They were all really good with our girls and it made things go so smoothly. It was funny to try to “act natural” but be super posed.
When they e-mailed us over a copy of the article, I was really proud of how it turned out. I was still too nervous to tell anyone that we had taken the photos and would be on the cover. I was worried they would change their minds! I sent it out to family and a few friends. My girls and I had flown to Florida for the weekend and my husband, Ryan stayed back to work in Minneapolis. It turned out to be the weekend the magazine came out in stores. I remember Ryan went out super late one night to pick up a bunch of copies of the magazine. I told him to grab the whole stack but he refused. We grabbed some extras to give to our parents etc.
It was so fun to get to do this with my family. I still haven’t printed up any photos for our house from the cover. Some day I will figure out what I want to put up on the walls but for now I enjoy the stack of magazines that we collected in our homework center.
A special thanks to the Parade of Homes Team and Merriment Adornments
1 Comment
Amazing outfit!