Navy Shirt: J.Crew (similar), White Shirt: Madewell (have it in black too), Necklace: Love Always, Jeans: Ag Jeans (33% off), Boots: Hunter Boots
Girls: Dress: Gap (majorly on sale), Boots: Hunters, Bow: Cat & Jack
photos by anna ligocki
How is this year almost over?! I am still sad that Christmas has already come and gone. The Christmas season is truly my favorite time of the year. I do not look forward to having to take my Christmas tree down and all our decorations. I had to break the news to Dahlia that our Elfie would be leaving for the year and won’t be back until next December. She literally cried. I wanted to join her but didn’t think that was for the best! Ha!
I always like to take time at the end of year to reflect back. There has been a lot of change in my life that started out on January 1 of last year. I have not always been a fan of change but I tried to roll with it this year. Ha! Don’t ask my husband how well I have done. It has been such a fun year with the girls and with my family. I feel like we’ve had so many good memories. It’s going to be hard to pick my best nine for Instagram this year.
I hope you all have a great weekend and a blast celebrating the New Year!
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