Baby Girl, Lifestyle, Penelope

35 Days…

March 23, 2016


Kid outfits

Baby photos

Christmas photos



Penelope has been in the hospital for 35 days now. I can’t believe it’s been that long. She went in with flu like symptoms then had two bowel surgeries, was on a breathing tube for two weeks some of which she was also fighting off pneumonia. Following the breathing tube, she had to weaned off of sedation medications. The list of ups and downs from the experience could go on and on. We have been so lucky to be in such an amazing hospital with amazing doctors and nurses. We have been really blessed with so many supportive people around us as well.

I have sat down to write this post so many times and then walked away. Talking about it can be hard because it brings up so many emotions. I think some people have thought we went home since we’ve been so silent about what is going on. When she does go home, I’ll make sure to tell you all! Right now what is keeping us in here is the fact that she is not eating enough. Since Penelope had the tube in her throat for so long, it is common that kids develop an aversion to eating especially from a bottle. Since she is 9 months old, she still needs to eat from a bottle to get her nutritional needs met. We’ve been working with specialists once or twice a day, Monday to Friday to try to get her eat more. Penelope is such a strong little girl I know she’ll get through this.

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  • Reply Pamela @ Sequins & Sea Breezes March 23, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    Oh girl. I am so sorry to hear Penelope is still in the hospital but I’m glad to hear you have so many wonderful doctors and nurses helping her out. She’s such a little fighter! I hope she gets to go home with you guys soon.

  • Reply Rachelle March 24, 2016 at 6:06 am

    She is a strong little girl and I am keeping you guys in my prayers.


  • Reply Heidi March 27, 2016 at 11:19 pm

    Hang in there Lindsay! I know this is a tough time. Hang onto your family and know that you are in so many’s hearts. Xo

  • Reply Lauren March 30, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    Prayers for you and your family! What a tough little girl you have!

  • Reply Victoria Fox April 4, 2016 at 8:43 am

    What A strong little girl! Sending prayers your way!

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